21st Century HR Strategies

21st Century HR Strategies

Employers are recognizing changing priorities

In the 20th century, there was a clearer delineation between work and life: there was what you did to earn income, and there was everything else.
Today, life is pushing back! The enjoyment of life is beginning to take back its (rightful) place in the lives of employees. Today’s employees put increased focus on happiness at work—they change jobs more often, their careers take unexpected twists and turns, and personal satisfaction can be as important as the numbers on their paycheck
And with the advent of mobile technology — smartphones tablets and laptop – which allows employees to be “on” anytime, anywhere — work is no longer confined to the office. And while this mobility offers great advantages, it also allows work to infiltrate employees’ lives. It’s a challenge for employers, large and small!
Employers are recognizing these changing priorities, by investing in employee engagement, culture, and team development. This employee-first focus is shaping everything from office floor plans to vacation policies and management styles, making the workplace a more dynamic and expressive place. You don’t need to look very hard to see examples of the types of culture building done by Apple, Amazon, Zappos and largely influenced by the venture capital that has allowed companies to perform widespread social experiments in staffing, culture and workplaces.
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